This recipe from The Honour System requires just 3 ingredients–spaghetti squash, oil and salt–to form crisp, low-carb spaghetti squash hash browns. Season the hash browns with your favorite herbs and spices and enjoy!

under 20 mins
lunch dinner
Updated on 6 January 2024

Ingredients for servings

    Spaghetti Squash Hashbrown

  • 2 cup cooked & shredded spaghetti squash about 0.5 small cooked squash

  • 1 tbsp oil

  • Salt to taste (optional)


  • Heat the oil in a large non stick skillet over medium heat.

  • Press the water out of the squash with paper towels.

  • Form little patties (2 tablespoons or so) by pressing the squash firmly between your palms.

  • Place the patties gently on the warmed skillet and let cook for 5-7 minutes per side. Only flip these once if possible to get the nice browned effect.

  • Transfer to paper towels to drain, then serve warm. Sprinkle with some salt if desired.

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